Tech Change, a company that provides digital training and events, needed to update its brand and website. Visual Designer Laura Martinez created style tiles as a foundation for me to develop a fresh visual direction for their online presence.

Laying the Groundwork

The client had requested only a few key pages to be designed for their project, with the intention of using them as a cost-effective approach to a full site redesign. The selection of pages was made thoughtfully, with the aim of informing the build-out of future pages to come. The client was actively involved in the iterative process, with three rounds of changes being made within a limited budget. The final design can now be seen on their official website, as they are currently using the same template.

Approachabilty and Professionalisim

Although the design was fairly conventional, it allowed for expressive illustrations, approachable colors, and the use of angles that made it less formal. The balance was purposeful and satisfied the client's brief.