Tasked with the intriguing challenge of exploring refinements to Equinix's "Metal" product branding, my journey intertwined with the broader Equinix brand ethos and drew subtle influences from their unique editorial platform, "Origins".


Initiating the project, I evaluated Equinix's current brand identity:
During this phase, I came across "Origins", an editorial endeavor separate from Equinix's primary focus but rich in creative narrative about the tangible infrastructure of the digital world.
With a component analysis, we start to see what the core of Equinx looks like when boiled down to its individual elements.
With a component analysis, we start to see what the core of Equinx looks like when boiled down to its individual elements.
I also took pages throughout the site to see what elements might be brought int to solidity a final concept direction. With plenty of visual language also found in Orgins


Inspired by the uniqueness of "Origins", I believed that incorporating elements from this perspective could provide "Metal" with a distinct branding advantage. The challenge was to seamlessly integrate this creative nuance with "Metal's" corporate identity.


‍I visualized this integration through a graphic representation, mapping a spectrum from "Corporate" to "Expressive". The design exploration was a collective effort:


Though many gravitated towards the "Corporate" designs, Equinix's leadership opted for the balanced approach. The result was "Equinix Deploy", reflecting a nuanced brand voice that subtly nods to "Origins", all while adhering to our predefined color narrative.