Wondros is a growing digital agency ready to explore new branding and a site redesign. A new site design would combine everything into rich and cohesive designs and brand expression with a concept pinned down.

There’s always been discussion about the importance of building deep meaning behind a brand story that puts a company on a solid foundation and drives business.

Wondros’ bread and butter have been about storytelling and doing good. They had top-shelf film directors and clients like the National Insite of Health. But the lack of solid branding was always my concern for Wondros, as it continued to grow as an agency of name for the U.S. Government and Nonprofits. What was Wondros all about?

Working closely with Creative Director Jason Bacasa, we began to reflect on what brings meaning to the Wondros and landed on a vision of unification and deeply soulful.

The sun and moon began to appear as an abstract concept for the letter “O” in Wondros, which was a way to communicate an Earthliness to otherwise unearthly digital mediums. A way to say that Wondros earnestly needs to share meaningful stories with other human beings and never lose that connection to humanity.

Moving into site design, this would be the first opportunity to tell a new story for Wondros.
Earthly elements that connect Wondros to a brand story with depth.

What does it feel like?

The magical equation of "same but different." The audience, aka potential clients, wouldn't respond well to something too far off-center. The use of paper-like textures connects it back to the brand story. Playful color and the circle motif lead the eye down and enrich the page's look. Micro-interactions, dynamic page transitions and subtle animations throughout would give the site that extra bit of polish.

Dark Mode

Dark mode seemed to be a trend that newer sites were trying but aren't well executed. In this case, connecting dark-mode to the concept of sun, moon, and Earth made complete sense. Connecting dark-mode to local time and adding the clock helped communicate Wondros' international reach, as well.


A combination of serif and san-serif made for some elegant contrast. It created a striking contemporary tone that was approachable and confident.

Who is the target audience?

Wondros primarily wanted to target potential and current clients, while the internal audience and the public were second.
Hover over image to preview homepage in night mode

Diverging paths

While Wondros did not agree with this direction, I still feel like this direction was a powerful one. It gave the company so much more than just a redesigned site, but a context to grow and lean into.

What I ended up providing Wondros, in terms of a site redesign, did address issues with their lack of proper branding by bridging existing collateral work to the site, creating a much needed continuity. You can see the current site design I put together at https://wondros.com/