Far too often, educational departments at major universities look like soulless departments devoid of emotion, and I think that's unfair! So, I built a design that honors scientists and humans that will help society in the future.

Celebrate the lives and work of the people at CTSI.

One of my pet peeves is how awful medical and scientific departments from major universities look. They're typically incredibly soulless and say little behind the lives of behind all of the modern day miracles the people behind the research contribute to society. What's more, to be a Scientist should be a major source of pride. Why wouldn't an institution make themselves appear as sexy as they are! But, in all seriousness, let's give these people something better.

We've all seen these publications in newstands. They make everything look amazing and really are a lifestyle magazine for like minded people.

On the opposite end, university department sites are playing a very simple roll of being the tool for information  dissemination.

Texture, Color, and Connection

It's important to address the intangible to the digital realm. We humans connect to the physical world more than anything else. Regardless if something is digital, there will always be a physical and tangible conduit it.

For PITT CTSI, I wanted to pay attention to texture, color, and connection to people.

Civic Art

Civic art has a vital role to play in society and cities. It gives us a sense of place. I wanted to bring this feeling to the site. I identified Illustrator, Alexander Vidal, that really exemplifies this civic spirit.

Style Guide

The CTSI team received a style guide to keep their designs consistent after we stepped away from the project.

The total sum of these parts created a comprehensive design system with soul and staying power that is still in great standing position today.